What is the purpose of the application? Teaching Sekani language for non Sekani people, teaching Sekani language for Sekani people, Sekani language dictionary, promoting culture, and etc? Sharing information or making money, or etc.?
Who is going to get the most benefit from this application? It is helpful to picture the “ideal” person you want to use the TKD application.
What is going to be provided to the users? Is there any scope or category for the content? Who is going to provide the necessary words and pronunciations for the dictionary? How can we verify the sentence structure and correctness? What you like for
users to learn most? What kind of information your visitors are going to look for?
RPK Software Solutions considers the following objectives in developing the mobile applications:
The mobile apps will be two native mobile applications for iOS (version 8 and above) and Android (Lollipop version 5.0 and above). These applications are going to be reasonably identical in design and functionality.
The mobile apps will be in English (Sekani is an option for the department of LRTO) and will have the following sections:
1. About Page: This description will be received from client.
2. Main Page: it will contain main functionalities and modules of the application.
3. User Profile Page: contains user information, account management, and activity report.
4. Activity Report Page: analytics about user activity, success trend, and user score
5. Dictionary Page: provides a dictionary from English to Sekani and Sekani to English word translator with pronunciation capability.
6. Practice Pages: categories of activities to learn and practice Sekani language.
My process for this intelligent energy monitoring system project inclueds the following:
User Persona
Based on the research found in the discovery period of the project a persona was developed, Sally . Designing for Sally helped in making informed design decisions as I had the end user always in mind.
The first step was to analyze the competitors and get familiar with the Learning Language products, their pros and cons, and user’s reviews.
To ensure that the site’s structure matches the user’s thinking. I asked users to group items into predetermined categories. This helped me form a site map for the website displaying the layout of the categories on the App.
The app must be friendly and welcoming
It must also be clean and easy to navigate
Must be fun & easy going whilst still ensuring the information is delivered clearly
Being trustworthy is a key for it to work
Safe and secure service
The use of clever iconography is a must
A clean typeface must be used
Setting specific user goals and questions helps to define the key tasks & explore the apps logic.
I created the Lo-Fi wireframes and conducted user testing with the several potential customers. The purpose of the user testing was to determine whether it was feasible to move forward with the Hi-Fi wireframes with what we had in our minds.
By doing so, I was able to go through design ideas and quickly find the right ones.
After the several rounds of user testing on the lo-fi wireframes I created the Hi-Fi screens of the app.
The user can register in the application and create a personal profile
The user can search for sekani word
Dashboard panel for adding words and service control by admin
By watching our test users use and fumble through the product or even just imagining using it, I quickly identified areas, where app is not simple or clear enough. I also made a commitment to make simplicity my top priority from day one and filtered every wireframe and piece of copy through questions: Is it simple enough? Is there anything we could simplify?
I created an alternative version of our product, introduced it to different users and compared the results to see which of the screens performs better.
I love the bright side of the color palette and using gradients for grabbing more attention. I think it’s a great tool to enrich your design. https://flatuicolors.com suggests beautiful sets of colors.
Far far away, behind the word moun tains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of
Switch The Language